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Claims handling

Everything you need to know

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Claims handling

When choosing an insurance provider, it is important to deal with a company that can handle claims efficiently, so that you receive the correct reimbursement quickly and easily.

Anyone who has made an insurance claim in the past will understand how difficult it can be. There is often considerable communication and documentation required before a claim can be made and settled.

With this in mind, it is worth considering how long providers allow members of staff to self-certify their absence for. Self-certified absence claims can be assessed and processed without the need to submit any external supporting documentation or medical evidence. This accelerates the process and allows claims to be settled more efficiently. Most staff absence insurance providers only allow members of staff to self-certify up to seven days of absence.

Some of our brands have chosen to take a market leading approach to claims documentation and allow staff to self-certify for between 10 to 20 days.

You should also consider who will be processing your claims. The whole experience can be made easier by choosing a provider with an in-house claims team so they can help you to complete claims forms and advise what information providers require. This means that you won’t be left alone to deal with your claim.

Moreover, all of the brands on featured on our site have their own in-house claims department and will assign your school with a specific claims administrator to manage your account. This provides a professional and personal service, and means that if you encounter any issues throughout the process, assistance is only a phone call away.

Before taking out cover with a provider, it is worth asking...

How long is your self-certification period?
How will you handle our claim if we cannot provide the evidence required?
Do you handle claims in-house?
What is your average claim settlement time?
How do you pay your claims?